How long have you been a member of CCPOM?
I have been a member since 2007.
What has been your best experience so far?
Ahh, so many! All the fun events for the kids, and the amazing friends I have made.
How do you spend your days?
I wake up, feed and dress 3 kids and one baby, send the oldest three off to preschool/TK, run errands, try to exercise, shower, grocery shop (I feel like I am always buying food!), pick up kids, let them play at the park while I talk to Tami (Zachary). Then we usually go to a park and meet friends, clean up, cook dinner, eat dinner with the family (hubby is home now), get the kids ready for bed, bath, brush teeth, read stories, put them to bed, finish chores, do some stuff for my jewelry business, watch some TV, relax, then go to bed.
What do you like best about living in the East Bay?
I love the weather, beautiful parks, lots of things to do, my family local, and lots of progressive people.
What's your favorite East Bay hidden gem?
Right now, Rankin Park in Martinez. Also, Clayton Community Park, the Oakland Zoo, or Tilden.
What’s your guiltiest pleasure?
Jewelry. My husband doesn’t know it, but I sell Premier mostly because I can get the new jewelry I want and say I need it for my business!
Do you have any hidden talents?
I think I’m pretty talented when I have a home cooked, healthy meal on the table for the 6 of us, and everyone eats it!
What’s one thing on your bucket list?
I want to go to Machu Picchu in Peru. It's where the masculine energies meet the feminine energies and it is supposed to be amazing. I plan to take the family in 5-8 years.
What's the last book you read?
I read The Corrections.
Who inspires you?
I am inspired by a lot of moms I know. Some run marathons, some work full time jobs and still take great care of their kids, some have twins and still manage to give back so much time to this club and to others. Some are stay at home moms who make home cooked meals and manage to not let the kids watch too much TV. And finally my mom, who had eight kids and would do anything for us.
What was your favorite job?
My favorite job is being a full time mom! But a paid job… I would say teaching for seven years at Pittsburg High and being a reading consultant.
Tell us about your family.
My husband is Joe, and together we have four children. Aurora Rachel and Sebastian Gabriel are our twins born on October 16, 2007. Then a year later, Celeste Marie entered our world on November 1, 2008. Our final angel, Luke Elias Gilbert, was born just five months ago on November 15, 2012.
Do you have an inspiring birth story?
Well, I don’t know if it is inspiring or just crazy, but I had the last two au natural with no drugs. Celeste came on Halloween night, so my sisters and brother came to see us after partying for Halloween, still in full costume. We had Elvis, the Morton Salt girl, and a peacock waiting for Celeste's birth.
What advice can you give to new moms of twins?
Now that I have had the pleasure of having just one baby, I would say, just take time to try and cherish the sweet beings that they are. I think when I had my twins, and then Celeste so quick, I was a little bit in survival mode. I know I loved them so much and felt blessed to have them, but I didn’t really get to sit back and marvel at them. Try to find that time with each one and relish the sweetness that they are, because it does go so fast! Also, get out of the house! Make play dates at the park and go see your friends. I would not have made it if I wasn’t out enjoying fresh air and letting them explore, while I got to chat with my friends. Don’t be afraid to take them out. Get a double stroller (or triple- like I had) and get moving, it will do you all good!
What's one thing that makes life easier?
A BOB stroller!
The Alvarez family celebrating Easter!