

Saturday, November 22, 2014

2014-2015 CCPOM Board Members

Contra Costa Parents Parents of Multiples wouldn't be the wonderful family it is without the ongoing support of our volunteers for the following positions.  Thank you to all for your hard work and creative output into these wonderful events!

Board of Directors

Anne Swanson
Dawn Bohlmann

Vice President:
Karis Coleman-Sink

Paige Kremser Stenrud

Jennifer Martell 

Laura Weber

NOMOTC Representative:
Dawn Bohlmann 

NCAMOTC Representative:
Heather K Himenes

Membership Administrator / Club Express Administrator:
Jennifer Schofield

Ways and Means:
Heather Dupree

Philanthropic Committee Chair:
Beth Brown

Social Activities Coordinator:
Emily Getty

Playgroup Coordinator:
Lizzy Weiss

Angel Mom Coordinator:
Allison Buck 

Helping Hands:
Christie Chu

Publicity Coordinator:
Laurie Frieders

ETC Sale General Manager:
Candice Ferris

Blog Editor:
Louise Dyken