

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Vice Presidential Hello

Hello. I’m Tracy Williamson and I’m the Vice-President and Web Administrator for the Club. This is my third year serving on the board and I’ve enjoyed helping the club plan and organize each year and socializing with other mom’s on the board. The board is in the process of finding volunteers for next year’s term, which begins in August. If you would like to find out more about the positions available, send an email to parentsofmultiples@yahoo.com.

Part of my duties as Vice-President is to organize general meetings. The April general meeting was on Nutrition and Eating Habits and I thought I would share some notes on the topic. The basic rule that the speaker wanted us to leave with is to understand the division of responsibilities. The parents are responsible for providing healthy foods at appropriate intervals. The kids are responsible for choosing what to eat and how much to eat. Another important tip to remember is that a serving for a child is much less than a serving for an adult. You should compare the nutritious foods a child eats over a two-week period instead of analyzing each day. There was some discussion on Jessica Seinfeld’s book “Deceptively Delicious.” This book has recipes to hide the vegetables in foods like using cauliflower in mashed potatoes to sneak veggies into your kids diet. It was stressed in the discussion that you also need to serve the food in its natural form so kids get used to seeing it that way, too. Some of us in class had preschoolers who wouldn’t stay seated during mealtime. It was recommended to tell your child that if they leave the table, they are finished with dinner. You should save their meal for later when they say they are hungry. You could also use a timer and have the child sit at the dinner table for a few minutes and gradually increase the time they have to sit in their chair until they reach a time the parent is comfortable with. It is stressed that they have to sit at the table and not be forced to eat at the table. Lastly, she told us that anemia in kids is on the rise. One of the easiest ways to get iron in your kids is with 100% iron fortified cereals.

I hope my notes on the meeting help. The next general meeting will be at a restaurant in June and we can eat what we want! Thanks for reading this and I’ll see you at the next event.

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