

General information

In case you haven’t heard our club is hosting the Spring 2013 NCA Convention.
The proposed dates are: April 26-28, 2013
Our theme (as voted on at the January Board Meeting is): Mission Twinpossible.
The exact location is still to be determined but will be in Walnut Creek or Pleasant Hill.

We are very excited to showcase our club by hosting this event and hope that most of our members decide to participate.
If you have been looking for a way to get involved in the club this is it! There will be at least 9 subcommittees with duties from accounting to decorations so there is something for everyone. The job description/duties of the subcommittees are listed in the following pages. If you would like to volunteer for a committee simply email our Co-Chairs: Heidi Johnson (c-hjohnson@sbcglobal.net ) & Karis Coleman-Sink (karis.coleman@yahoo.com).