

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Spring 2013 Convention Update!

An update from your Convention Co-Chairs, Heidi and Karis!

In case you haven't heard, our club is hosting the Spring 2013 NCA Convention at the Concord Hilton Hotel, April 26-28, 2013.  Our theme is MISSION TWINPOSSIBLE!  There will be fun Spy Games to test your mental and physical skills, wonderful speakers and workshops, happy hour to just connect with old friends and make a few new friends too, and best of all-- TONS of raffle prizes to be won!!  This event will take place in lieu of Bingo Night this year, so we hope that you will all join us for a weekend of fun and prizes right in our own backyard.

If you have been looking for a way to get involved in the club, this is it! Committees have been formed, and we are looking for volunteers in many different capacities.  There is something for everyone-- helping with decorations or assembly of raffle baskets, to selling raffle tickets or helping at a game or registration table one night of the event.  Big or small, there are lots of ways you can help.  If you would like to volunteer for a job or committee, or just as a floater to help out when we need you, simply email our Co-Chairs: Heidi Johnson (c-hjohnson@sbcglobal.net ) and Karis Coleman-Sink (karis.coleman@yahoo.com).  Or, you are welcome to meet us at our Convention planning meeting on Saturday December 1st, from 9-11AM at Panera Bread in the Willows Shopping Center in Concord, CA.

We also hope that everyone will Register to attend Convention this Spring to support CCPOM and all that we do and we know you will enjoy yourselves too!  More details will follow soon, so watch for clues that Convention is coming!

Feed Your Natural Defenses!

'Tis the season for germs!  We can't do much about the cool weather that keeps us indoors or the low humidity that germs love, but we CAN boost our immune systems by eating the right nutrients.  Strong natural defenses may help ward off cold and flu bugs, and hopefully prevent sick days.  According to askdrsears.com, there are several mighty foods that will help us keep our families healthy this winter: http://www.askdrsears.com/topics/family-nutrition/foods-boost-immunity/8-foods-boost-immunity.

Personally, I swear by #4: garlic.  I get my garlic in the form of homemade chicken soup.  Sure, you need a strong breath mint after dinner, but it always does the trick against cold germs in my house.

What's your go-to germ-fighting food??

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Giving Thanks To Our Volunteers

Hello! My name is Tessa and I'm your new Blog Editor. This Thursday, and every day, I'm thankful for family and I'm thankful for community. Thank you (times two!) to our fabulous volunteers who give their time and talents to strengthen our CCOPM community. Please join me in offering special thanks to our Angel Moms, special event Chairs, and Board members!

Angel Moms

Mary Baldizan
Nancy Bolcerek
Elizabeth Chamblee
Karis Coleman-Sink
Leah Giles
Christine Haswell
Janine Hollenbeck
Kathleen Houssels
Jennifer Matthews
Melissa Nolan
Jennifer Schofield
Melonie Schulze
Tami Zachary

Special Event Chairs

Tami Zachary & Emily Getty - 2012 Breakfast With Santa 

Nancy Bolcerek & Stacey Miller - 2012 Mom's Holiday Dinner

Board of Directors

Heidi Johnson - c-hjohnson@sbcglobal.net 
Laura Weber - lauraherronweber@yahoo.com 
Tami Zachary - thzachary@gmail.com 

Vice President:
Nicolle Hazlett - nahazlett@yahoo.com 

Jennifer Martell - jennifer.martell@yahoo.com 

Anne Swanson - annieswan04@yahoo.com 

Tracy Williamson - tracy.williamson@yahoo.com 

NOMOTC Representative:
Karis Coleman-Sink - karis.coleman@yahoo.com 

NCAMOTC Representative:
Dawn Bohlmann - dbhlmn3@yahoo.com 

Angel Mom Coordinator:
Kathleen Colebourn - kato44@hotmail.com 

Membership Administrator & Club Express Administrator:
Louise Dyken - louisedyken@yahoo.com 

Blog Editor:
Tessa Rigdon - tessa.d.rigdon@gmail.com 

Vacant Board Positions:
ETC Sale Coordinator
Philanthropy Coordinator
Co-Social Activities Coordinator
Publicity Coordinator
Ways & Means

If you would like to learn more about the vacant Board positions, please contact us at parentsofmultiples@yahoo.com 

Mark Your Calendars!

Mom's Holiday Dinner

Who needs a relaxing night out to enjoy good food and great company?  Oh, that's right, we all do!  Please join us for CCPOM's annual Mom's Holiday Dinner and gift exchange on Thursday, December 6th, 7 pm, at Jack's Restaurant (60 Crescent Drive, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523).

To RSVP and pay an upfront cost of $20, please visit the club website at ccpom.net.  Then, go shopping for a fun, sweet, or thrilling gift around $15 for the gift exchange. Wrap up the gift and yourself and join us on the 6th for a great night out. 

Breakfast With Santa

Ho Ho Ho! Santa's coming to Danville! Please join us on Saturday, December 8th, from 9 am - 11 am in Danville for fun holiday festivities with Saint Nick.  Online registration will be available soon.  

We need your help!  We're looking for a photographer to donate their time and skills at Breakfast with Santa.  If you're available or know of someone who might be, please contact Heidi (c-hjohnson@sbcglobal.net) for details.

12 Fun Ways to Give Thanks

How do you give thanks? 

Here are 12 creative, kid-friendly ways to offer gratitude, courtesy of howdoesshe.com. Number 10 is my personal favorite. I'm starting my Gratitude Tree today.