


Responsibilities and duties for Speakers/Workshop chair 

  • Chair shall attend all meetings of the Meeting/Convention Committee and keep the Convention Chair advised of all progress/problems.
  • Provide at least one workshop/shareshop DIRECTLY related to multiples and one workshop/shareshop DIRECTLY related to club issues.
  • Submit desired workshop and shareshop topics and names of proposed speakers to NCA Meeting Planner and Meeting Manager for approval prior to making arrangements. 
  • NCA has approved $200 in their budget to help clubs defray the cost of a speaker from NOMOTC (with approval of the NCA President).
  • Contact, negotiate with and maintain contact through letters, email and phone calls with all speakers and workshop leaders.
  • NCA’s Speaker Contract Agreement must be used for all workshops, speaker, entertainment, etc.  NCA has provided a sample contract.
  • Meeting space noted on the contract denotes the number of workshops to be held. In special circumstances adjustments can be made only by the NCA Meeting Manager and the venue’s representative.
  • Determine the amount of compensation given to speakers. Use the Meeting Planning team as your advisers on this.
  • Generally, lunch is provided for the speakers; however, it is necessary to confirm they will attend the luncheon and their choice of entree.
  • Is extra compensation given -- rooms, other meals, speaker fee?
  • Follow your approved budget for speaker fees, keeping in mind that any extra compensation (e.g., gifts and meals) are included in the budget.
  • Receive a clear outline of the topic from the speakers and review our needs with them prior to contracting with them to speak.  Topics should be politically and religiously neutral.
  • Assign a club member to introduce each speaker/workshop leader and to act as their hostess for the day.
  • Provide thank you gifts and/or submit expense forms so payment is available on the day of the Meeting/Convention.
  • Record all expenses and submit for reimbursement if necessary by deadline.
  • File final report by deadline set by Convention Chair.