

Thursday, September 22, 2011

2011 CCOPM Fall ETC Sale

Hello members,

First off I wanted to say THANK YOU for being part of the sale at the Antioch Fairgrounds. I know that changing the venue to Antioch was not an easy thing (not only for the members/sellers, but also for the board), but to see all the members that still came out and sold (or just shopped) was really nice. I was really concerned that we would not have many members wanting to make the drive out to Antioch to sell let alone shop! At the sale we had about 9,600 items, compared to the just over 7,000 items from the spring sale. We also had 37 sellers at the sale, and at the spring sale we had 39. So it looks like the numbers for the sales are pretty close in comparison.

I know that we didn’t have the public participation like I had hoped, but I am optimistic that future sales will grow the public awareness and ultimately bring a large volume of shoppers to us. I am sure the crowd that we see at the spring sale wasn’t as big at the first ETC sale held at St. Francis. In time as we get recognition, the public numbers will grow, and probably match the turnout that we see at St. Francis. It seems from what I was hearing, the public was very impressed by the quality and quantity of things that were available. I also heard a lot of people saying that they would definitely be returning next year when we had the sale. That in itself is a huge win for the club; not only for the fall sale, but also for the spring sale.

I would like to take this opportunity (while the thoughts are still fresh) to get some feedback about the sale. What you liked, didn’t like, would like to see adjusted (or changed). Please try to keep your comments to items that the club would have control over, and keep the comments constructive. For example: those of you that made the sale, there was nothing that the club could do about the motorcycles in front of the entrance, so commenting on that would not be constructive to help our future sales.

I know that the board would like to have a post mortem about the sale, and I would like to be able to bring some (or all) of the feedback received to them for discussion.

Jeff Young
ETC Sale General Manager

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